Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - AHRQ

It presents clinical information, funding opportunities, grants on-line database, data and surveys, research findings, quality assessment, public health prepardness and news and information.

Originador(es): USA. Department of Health and Human Services
Recurso adicionado em: 23/03/2003
Objetivo: To meet the information needs of its customers, to build the evidence base for what works and doesn't work in healthcare and develop the information, tools, and strategies for decisionmakers, and to develop scientific knowledge in these areas.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês, Espanhol
Medicina Baseada em Evidências/educação, Avaliação da Tecnologia Biomédica, Atenção à Saúde, Recursos Materiais em Saúde, Medicina Baseada em Evidências, Pesquisa Biomédica, Research Support, Health Public, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
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