British Society for Research on Ageing - BSRA

It presents institutional information, the BSRA's annual meeting agenda, information about publications and subscriptions. It allows access to an example copy of the BSRA's journal "Lifespan". The document is in pdf format; requires Acrobat Reader.

Originador(es): British Society for Research on Ageing - BSRA
Recurso adicionado em: 30/06/2002
Objetivo: To promote research into the processes, causes and effects of ageing and, as indicated, into means for counteracting these, both in human beings and in other organisms; to publish the results of all such useful research; and to further public education therein.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Idoso, Saúde do Idoso, Geriatria, Envelhecimento, Associações e sociedades internacionais
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