The American Geriatrics Society - AGS

It provides institutional information, news and opportunities, and information about courses, conferences, publications and projects.

Originador(es): The American Geriatrics Society - AGS
Recurso adicionado em: 14/05/2002
Objetivo: To develop, support, and promote the clinical practice of geriatrics and support practitioners providing such care; to increase the number of physicians knowledgeable about geriatrics and committed to the clinical care of the aged; to engage in a vigorous public policy effort; to promote effective, high quality research; and to develop and maintain relationships with other professional organizations, provider groups, and organizations concerned with the health care of older persons.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Idoso, Saúde do Idoso, Envelhecimento, Geriatria, Asociaciones professionales, Associações e sociedades internacionais
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