WHO Special Ambassador's Newsletter - For the elimination of leprosy nº 6


In this issue: MESSAGE - Less than years remain until the target date for elimination, but are we doing enough? | PRESCRIPTIONS FOR SUCCESS - Four public health experts say what needs to be happening now in order to achieve elimination by 2005 | PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS - Dr. S. K. Noordeen reviews the drive toward elimination, and sounds an upbeat note | COMMITTED TO THE CAUSE - Indian's Union Health Minister tells Ambassador Sasakawa why she cares about leprosy | AMBASSADOR'S JOURNAL - on his continuing travels, Ambassafor Sasakawa returns to Inda an visits Cambodia

Originador(es): Sasakawa Health Foundation
Recurso adicionado em: 11/05/2020
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Hanseníase, Publicação Periódica, Hanseníase
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