Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net)

Information to a range of communities, including scientists, journalists, decision makers, and those working in non-governmental organisations and international aid agencies.A free-access website that provides news, views and information on science, technology and the developing world. This includes policy-oriented ‘dossiers’ on key issues at the interface between science, technology and development, as well as ‘gateways’ that provide regional news and perspectives on these issues.In addition, there is SciDev.Net's Latin American gateway.

Originador(es): ScieDEV
Recurso adicionado em: 02/07/2003
Objetivo: "Their goal is to ensure that both individuals and organisations in the developing world are better placed to make informed decisions on these issues."(Au)
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês, Espanhol
Apoyo a la investigación, tomientomiento, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
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