The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation: grants and funding
It provides funding for innovative projects in the areas of breast health education and breast cancer screening and treatment. It also presents the research grant program for the year and the research...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Neoplasias da Mama, Research support, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: fellow program
It presents the fellow programs focusing on cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics.
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Recurso adicionado em:
Idiomas disponíveis:
Neoplasias, Neurobiologia, Genoma, Research support, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
American Lung Association: research
It presents the grant programs for lung and breathe diseases research and training of scientists.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Inglês, Espanhol
Research support, Lung dissease, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
American Cancer Society: research program and funding
It presents the society's studies and projects, funding opportunities, the impact of the research programs, and an account of important achievements by supported researchers.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Inglês, Espanhol
Neoplasias, Research support, Organización de la ciencia y tecnología nacional, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - AHRQ: funding opportunities
It presents grant opportunities and announcements, a peer review of grant applications, grant award resources, policy notices, contract solicitations, and research training.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
United States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Revisão por Pares, Research Support, Grants, Quality Health Care, Policy Notices, Organización de la ciencia y tecnología nacional, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
National Library of Medicine: Division of Extramural Programs
It presents general information, the types of funding, requests for applications and on-going grant programs and research contracts.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
National Library of Medicine (U.S.), National Institutes of Health (U.S.), Research support, Grants, Clinical researchers, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
UW - Family Medicine: research
It presents funded researches, fellowship programs, research grant forms and the University's small grant program in public health.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Saúde Pública, Research support, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Grants, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
American Academy of Pediatrics: AAP resident research grant
It presents general information about the research grant for pediatrics, and the program description. This program is designed to give pediatric residents with limited research training and experience...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Pediatria, Proteção da Criança, Recursos Humanos, Research support, Grants, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: funding opportunities
It presents the notices and public comment, grants and cooperative agreements and solicitations, for the disease control and prevention.
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Recurso adicionado em:
Idiomas disponíveis:
Research support, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S), Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional
Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Grants & Fellowships
It presents the institute's biomedical grants programs, how to obtain the funding and information for grantees.
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Recurso adicionado em:
Idiomas disponíveis:
Research support, Sistemas de financiamiento y de gestión de la investigación, Apoio a pesquisa - internacional