Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health - JHCGH
The Center provides a forum for innovative, informed, and visionary thinking about global health issues in the 21st century. It promotes collaboration; marshals resources for research, policy, and pro...
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Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Centros e institutos de pesquisa, lundialundial
Center for Public Health and Human Rights - CPHHR
The Center applies epidemiological practices and public health tools as a new approach to understanding and measuring the scope of human rights violations, and is involved in a number of activities in...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Saúde Pública, Direitos Humanos, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Center for Human Nutrition - CHN
CHN was created to integrate and expand the burgeoning academic research activities in human nutrition. It offers a multidisciplinary educational program in laboratory, clinical and public health nutr...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Ciências da Nutrição, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Center for Immunization Research - CIR
The CIR was established to facilitate efforts to develop new vaccines and to expand research activities in vaccine development, evaluation, and policy, both in the U.S. and in less-developed countries...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Imunização, Centros e institutos de pesquisa, sasquisa
Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy - JHCIRP
JHCIRP is dedicated to high quality research that informs the establishment of programs and policies aimed at controlling the incidence, severity and consequences of injuries; the application of this ...
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Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Ferimentos e Lesões, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health - JHERCOSH
JHERCOSH is a multidisciplinary and interdepartmental program for training and continuing education that prepares professionals to carry out the objectives of research, education, service and policy d...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Educação, Saúde Ocupacional, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute - SLRI
SLRI is one of the world's leading centres in biomedical research, working in signal transduction and genetic pathways, systems biology and proteomic analysis of the cell cycle; discovery programs in ...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Programa de Desenvolvimento e Inovação Tecnológica em Saúde Pública - PDTSP
O PDTSP integra um programa institucional de pesquisa estratégica e tem como objetivo central o fomento de atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento voltados essencialmente para a inovação tecnológ...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Saúde Pública, Centros e institutos de pesquisa, Inovacao tecnologica em saude
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute - LRRI
LRRI is committed to the cure of respiratory diseases through research aimed at understanding their causes and biological mechanisms, eliminating exposures to causal agents, and developing improved tr...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Doenças Respiratórias, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Coalition for Research in Women's Health - CRWH
CRWH is a network supporting communication and collaboration among women's health researchers and fostering women's health scholarship.
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Saúde da Mulher, Centros e institutos de pesquisa