Johns Hopkins Center for Research on Services for Severe Mental Illness - SMI Center
SMI Center works in further developing and refining methods to improve the match between patient needs and services; developing guidelines for the financing and organization of care that meet cost and...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Saúde Mental, Transtornos Mentais, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health - COAH
COAH is dedicated to research that will prevent disease and disability and improve the health and well-being of older adults. It seeks to foster interdisciplinary research and to train the next gener...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Envelhecimento, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
NIH Office of AIDS Research - OAR
OAR promotes collaborative research activities in both domestic and international settings. Utilizing the expertise of non-government scientists and AIDS community representatives, the OAR has conduct...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida, Saúde Pública, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Sbarro Health Research Organization - SHRO
SHRO is a nonprofit organization that finances and promotes the work of established researchers and young scientists in medicine, molecular biology, genetics, physics, chemistry and biomathematics. On...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Medicina, Biologia Molecular, Genética, Física, Química, sasquisasquisasquisasquisasquisa
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute - JHMRI
JHMRI reasearch works are focused in pathogenesis & clinical studies, diagnosis, molecular parasitology & cell biology, drug development, immunology & vaccine development, structural biology, and vect...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Malária, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Johns Hopkins Autoimmune Disease Research Center - JHADRC
JHADRC offers leadership in the study and development of improved diagnosis, treatment and prevention of autoimmune diseases, and promotes individual and collaborative research on the initiation and d...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Centros e institutos de pesquisa, Doenças Auto-Imunes
Johns Hopkins Center for Adolescent Health - JHCAH
JHCAH is committed to assisting urban youth to become healthy and productive adults, and conducts research that identifies the needs and strengths of young people and tests programs designed to promo...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Saúde do Adolescente, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Epidemiology - CADDE
CADDE was created to increase understanding of the factors that lead to the development of autism and other developmental disabilities, serves to foster communication, coordination, and collaboration ...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Transtorno Autístico, Deficiências do Desenvolvimento, Centros e institutos de pesquisa
Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Trials - JHCCT
JHCCT is an interschool center devoted to the promotion of clinical trials as a method of evaluation of preventive and therapeutic approaches to health problems. Its purposes are to guide and inspire ...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Centros e institutos de pesquisa, Ensaios Clínicos, EC_como_onde, EC_metodologia
Center for Craniofacial Development and Disorders - CCDD
The goals of the CCDD is to increase the understanding of normal and abnormal craniofacial development, to foster integrated biomedical, behavioral, social science, and health services research, to fa...
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Idiomas disponíveis:
Academias e Institutos, Pesquisa, Anormalidades Craniofaciais, Centros e institutos de pesquisa