Radiopaedia is a free educational radiology resource with one of the web's largest collections of radiology cases and reference articles.
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Com a finalidade de contribuir para a tomada de decisão dos magistrados, a CONITEC elaborou fichas técnicas com informações simples e claras sobre os medicamentos: o princípio ativo, as marcas di...
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Health Technology
Assessment international (HTAi) is the global scientific and professional society for all those who produce, use, or encounter HTA. HTAi has members from over 65 countries and embr...
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As propostas de financiamento devem conter projetos de pesquisa que possam ser desenvolvidos em duas etapas:
1) demonstração da viabilidade tecnológica de produto ou processo, com duração máxim...
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El propósito del Blog de Equidad es compartir información de salud pública de relevancia internacional relacionada con las cuestiones prioritarias en Salud y Desarrollo Humano.
Los temas principal...
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A reunião pretende explorar diferentes aspectos relativos à malária humana e modelos experimentais relacionados, incluindo novas abordagens e desafios no controle, bases imunológicas e moleculare...
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What is it like to work in science? Learn by example.
- Watch a student give a brief overview presentation that is careful to allow those unfamiliar with the subject to understand.
-Watch an example ...
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This global status report on prevention and control of NCDs (2014), is framed around the nine voluntary global targets. The report provides data on the current situation, identifying bottlenecks as we...
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Apresentar sua startup no melhor hospital da América Latina.
Conhecer sua potencial rede de clientes.
Identificar possibilidades de parceria e desenvolvimento de novos negócios.
Encontrar profission...
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The EIT is an independent body of the European Union set up in 2008 to spur innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe to overcome some of its greatest challenges. It brings together leading highe...
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