New Scientific Journals Portal of the São Paulo State Department of Health

In order to structure and gather the main scientific journals in a unique and virtual environment, and to offer differentiated services such as electronic management of journals through an online editorial flow, the new Portal of Scientific Journals of SES / SP is launched using the system OJS (Open Journal System), developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). It is a free software system, which promotes open access and improvement of academic publication for the management and publication of scientific journals.

Previously available on the websites of the respective institutions in isolation, with few search and restricted search resources for retrieving published articles, now, with the new Portal, scientific journals have a new scenario that will offer new possibilities, with greater autonomy and greater visibility.

In mid 2009, a Portal of Journals was adopted using the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) methodology to organize and publish the scientific journals of the
SES / SP, however, after a few years, several problems contributed to the non-continuity of the Portal in this methodology. A long period passed before the possibility of implementing the OJS system arose.

In 2020, with the support of the Coordination of Science, Technology and Strategic Health Supplies – CCTIES / SES-SP, a consultancy from the Content Mind Company was contracted to organize, implement and promote access to scientific journals in the OJS system.

It is also worth highlighting the support of the Scientific Dissemination team and the Documentation Center of the Disease Control Coordination – CCD, which has been contributing with important actions for the development of the Portal.

With autonomy for the publication and management of journals by the editors themselves, the possibility of online submission by the authors, the availability of complete collections, the possibility of monitoring access metrics, among other services, the Portal aims to leverage the institution’s scientific journals .

Configured for the assignment and registration of the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it allows articles to receive and adopt such identification. Another relevant and also available resource is the configuration in all journals, of the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) plugin, which allows authors to validate their profiles in the system itself. ORCID is a unique, free and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes one academic / researcher from another and solves the problem of ambiguity and similarity in the names of authors and individuals, replacing name variations with a single numeric code.

The Portal, the Epidemiological Bulletin of São Paulo – BEPA, the Bulletin of the Institute of Health – BIS, the Cadernos de História da Ciência – Chci, Hansenologia Internationalis and the Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz are part of this first moment.

The Portal implantation process initially had training for editors and their team on the operation of the system. Several online meetings were held with guidance on the use of the OJS system. The SES / SP information technology team was involved in the entire process, providing input for the implementation of the system on the institution’s data server. The coordination of the Portal is done jointly by professionals from CCTIES and CCD, always with the support of the IT team.

Despite some difficulties felt by everyone at the beginning, there is a growing effort and commitment from all those involved, to realize and consolidate this initiative.

Through this Portal, the magazines were reconfigured according to the resources that the system offers, seeking to improve the quality to meet the criteria of the indexers they aim to achieve. Procedures for accessing and staying on the Portal, as well as other guidelines, are documented in order to guide new editors and users.

The new Portal of Scientific Journals of SES / SP arrives to support, subsidize, increase visibility and promote the scientific content generated at the institution. You will receive any scientific journal produced at the institutional level, as long as it is in accordance with the pre-established criteria.

This initiative aims to contribute to the advancement of science within the scope of SES / SP.


Eliete Cortez
Lilian Schiavon
Renan Predasoli
Coordination of Scientific Journals Portal – SES/SP

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