SES/SP Magazine Portal promotes Workshop on “Indexing Scientific Periodicals”

The SES/SP Scientific Journals Portal promoted, through the Fesima Project, the Workshop “Indexation of Scientific Journals”, presented by Juliana Lima, Librarian at the Federal University of Ceará, Editor associated with DOAJ, Mendeley Advisor, Figshare Ambassador.

In a joint effort, this event played a crucial role in directing the indexing of SES/SP scientific journals. Facing challenges, some publications are overcoming notable obstacles, such as Hansenologia Internationalis Magazine, recently admitted to DOAJ and now preparing to submit to SciELO.

Each journal has its particularities, but we are committed to structuring them according to the criteria of the main indexers and following the Open Science paradigm. These initiatives aim to train editors on new trends and monitor editorial innovations, and strengthen the SES/SP Scientific Journals Portal.

We believe that open science plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge, and events like this are important steps in ensuring that research reaches a wider audience. Together, we are building a more accessible and collaborative environment for science.

To access the Workshop presentation, click here.