Criteria (to integrate and permanence)
To intregrate the Portal:
- The journals must be directly linked to some institution of the São Paulo State Department of Health;
- Periodical must have at least 3 (three) published issues or the equivalent in number of articles, in case of continuous publication;
- Have an editorial board constituted and a specific editorial policy for the journal;
- Have instructions to authors in a concise, detailed and structured way;
- Have ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) for serial publications; see here detailed information on how to obtain it;
- Have national and/or international coverage in terms of authors and editorial board;
- Publish original scientific articles;
- Publish, in each issue, at least 50% of the total original articles. The journal can also publish technical reports, technical notes, review articles, brief communication among other types, as long as defined in the instructions to the authors of each journal;
- Present well-structured articles, which can preferably be in Portuguese, English and/or Spanish and detail the full affiliation of the authors;
- Priorize online publication only, without the need for printed editions;
- Adopt, in the publication of articles, title, abstract and keywords in the language of the text and in English language, when this is not the standard language;
- Include title, abstract and keywords metadata in 3 languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish) regardless of the language of the submitted article, so that the journal can also be indexed in Latin American indexers (which require metadata in Spanish);
- Adopt national and international standards for the publication of journals and scientific papers (Vancouver or ABNT);
- Adopt the management system of the journal in OJS – Open Journal System (PKP), following the standards used in the Portal of Scientific Journals of SES/SP;
- Promote the attribution of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for articles, aiming to offer unique, persistent and accessible identification, in addition to the interoperable exchange of information managed in digital networks. The DOI can be requested through ABEC (Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors). See guidelines here; For more details on the DOI system, click here;
- Encourage and guide authors, both new and those who have already published on the Portal, to validate their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). Authors who have already published should do the validation by accessing their profiles and clicking on the button to send a validation email. New authors must register in the system by clicking on the registration option through ORCID. In this way, Crossref (international foundation formed by publishers, companies and scientific institutions, which aims to create systems to properly catalog scientific publications, facilitate references and guarantee interoperability between the systems of the associated entities, that is, guarantee that the systems can talk to each other) will feed each author’s ORCID record with the reference published in the journal. This feature offers interoperability between OJS / ORCID / Crossref systems, as long as the article receives the DOI (Digital Object Identifier);
- Adopt a copyright policy, based on the Creative Commons license;
- Present on the journal’s website, text referring to the copyright policy, ethics, anti-plagiarism, conflict of interest and privacy policy of the journal.
After adopting the requirements listed here, prepare a cover letter for the journal and fill out a form for analysis.
To stay in the Portal:
The publication should not be interrupted in the current year. In case of interruption, it will be removed from the main content of the Portal and migrated to an area of discontinued journals. Only active, current journals that maintain continuous or periodic publication will remain in the main content;
The publication must, within one year from the launch of the Portal, have the validated DOI and ORCID available, which guarantees the quality of the Portal;
Keep the contents updated and contribute with the sending of news and pertinent information to the respective magazines to be published on the Portal’s homepage, aiming at its updating and dissemination;
Promote, on the websites of the respective institutions, the direction of access to the new Portal of Scientific Journals of SES/SP in OJS, and delete the old links.